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Defund, Dismantle, Reinvest!

  • 700 H Street Sacramento, CA, 95814 United States (map)

Join Decarcerate Sacramento on Monday, as we not only demonstrate how to create accessible decision making spaces that honor public sentiment during this critical time, but also invite local officials to listen to a live in person and virtual meeting.

Since mid 2019, Decarcerate Sacramento- a group of community orgs and members like yourself- has been doing successful advocacy around divestment from law enforcement, putting a stop to any and all jail expansions in Sac County, and calling for a radical reinvestment in community and social safety nets.

Something you should know right now: currently, the criminal justice arm of Sacramento County receives over 70% of our General Fund money. A recent study had shown that Sac Sheriff was going to be receiving 50% alone by the year 2027. In the city, The Sacramento Police Department is slated to get $47,000,000, an estimated 51%, of 20/21 Measure U funding, outweighing all other community improvements combined, with Youth, Parks and Enrichment getting only $14,000,000 total. This is outrageous.

Now is a time to make way for community voices, particularly black voices, as we envision an equitable and just future for Sacramento. In listening to those voices, Decarcerate Sacramento, in chorus with growing numbers of organizations and individuals across the world, is calling on our elected officials to stop feeding our precious tax dollars into unaccountable and militarized law enforcement agencies that cause significant harm in our communities. That includes the Sheriff's department who's human rights violations continue to remain unchecked inside and outside of jail walls.

What we have noticed, since #Covid19 and #GeorgeFloyd, is a severe lack of oversight on public decision making and a complete disregard for participation and leadership from the public around decisions that affect our daily lives.

The County just sent out a press release about their budget and it forecasts cuts to things across the board in the wake of the pandemic, but we know that somehow law enforcement always gets more. Come join us as we remind the Board of Supervisors that we are here to #Defund and #Dismantle law enforcement and #Reinvest in our Communities.

There will be a zoom link provided here shortly to allow for virtual attendance, otherwise we'll see you at the Board of Supervisors.