Repurposing the APTP meeting this month for the following Black Solidarity Week Event:
We will gather to remember and celebrate the legacy of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz),who was assassinated on this day in 1965. Due to consistent attacks, misrepresentation and erasure of his work and his critical impact, it is essential to resurrect, protect, and maintain his legacy. This vigil will begin the countdown to our Honoring the Legacy Event to be held on May 19, 2018. This is a Black Solidarity Week Traditions & Ways Event. Sponsored by Black Solidarity Week and the Community Ready Corps.
Monthly APTP meeting is held on every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
The Anti Police-Terror Project is a project of the ONYX ORGANIZING COMMITTEE that in coalition with other organizations, like Idriss Stelley Foundation, Community READY Corps and Workers World Party - Bay Area, is working to develop a replicable and sustainable model to end police terrorism in this country.
We are a Black-led, multi-racial, multi-generational coalition.